Trusting God During Pregnancy

I would like to testify of the Lord’s goodness to me and my family. These past few months we have been learning more about how to put our trust in God and His Word.

Before I even knew I was pregnant last year God gave me a dream that my husband was handing me a baby. In the dream, I did not want this baby at first, but then after 3 days I started feeding him. It was a beautiful baby.

An Amazing God Who Heals

I was feeling ill and in a lot of pain. My husband took me to the doctor’s and once we arrived the doctor said we should go to the hospital. When we arrived they did a lot of tests and scans. The doctor said there was nothing to worry about. We were relieved. We were then told we would get a letter for an out-patient appointment. When we got our appointment, we went to see a consultant who carried out more tests and scans. After three more appointments and operations, I was told they had found pre–cancerous cells and it had gotten to a stage 4. They would confirm by carrying out an MRI scan if it had gotten to cancer as by this point they felt it would have.

A Closer Relationship With God

I have been a member of Word of Life church for about 3 years now. One of the things I desired for when I joined Word of Life was to have a closer relationship with God. Soon after becoming a member of Word of Life, I took bible study classes every sunday. This helped me to learn more about God and have a better understanding of His love for me and others.

Car Issues

On Thursday the 22nd of February 2013, I bought 4 new tyres, then Jennifer and I drove down to Gillingham to pick up Jean my sister. While driving down on the A2 one of my wheels started to come lose. As we were coming across the last of the three round-abouts the car was making noises which told us that something was wrong with the car! I kept on going as there was no hard shoulder to pull on to and it was dark! I got jennifer to call Jean on the mobile to alert her that something was wrong with the car so that she could call Shaun her Son!

Challenging Times

In February of this year, my mother was admitted to hospital due to having very low blood pressure. The doctors were concerned and after closely monitoring my mother suspected she may have cancer. My mother had cancerous cells ten years ago but the doctors were able to stop them from spreading.

Upcoming Events

21 Oct 2024;
06:00AM - 07:00AM
Morning Prayer
22 Oct 2024;
06:00AM - 07:00AM
Morning Prayer
23 Oct 2024;
06:00AM - 07:00AM
Morning Prayer

Contact Details

Rehoboth Building
72A Mayeswood Road
Grove Park
London SE12 9RP
+ 44 (0)208 857 7406
  + 44 (0)7930 958 097