Giving to Word of Life Church is easy, quick and secure. You can give via the GIVT app, by bank transfer, by cheque or standing order. Simply follow the steps below. Thank you for your support!
Please feel free to use these methods to pay your tithes and general offerings.
GIVT Donations
Download the free GIVT app and select Word of Life Church (Lewisham).

Bank Transfer Donations
Please use the details below for online bank transfers:
Lloyds Bank – Cheltenham High Street Branch
Account Name - ECKT Word of Life Church
Account No – 03215544
Sort Code - 30 91 87
Cheque Donations
To give by cheque, please make cheques payable to "Word of Life Church" and send them to:
The Administrator
Word of Life Church
72A Mayeswood Road
London SE12 9RP
Recurring Donations
Please download our tithes & offerings standing order form to allow you to give monthly. Once filled in and signed, send it to:
The Administrator
Word of Life Church
72A Mayeswood Road
London SE12 9RP