Word & Spirit School of Leadership

Raising cutting edge exceptional leaders for such a time as this…

We are excited to present to you the Word & Spirit School of Leadership!!

Why? When we look all around us, there is no doubt we are living in different times. What the Bible calls perilous times. We are living in such a time that demands strong, godly and courageous leadership just like in the time of Mordecai and Esther in the Bible (Esther 4). A time that demands for a new breed of leaders to be raised to do the work that Jesus left us to do.

Word & Spirit School of Leadership is for such a time as this.


The School’s vision and mission is:

To raise up cutting edge exceptional Christian leaders, that will bring the Kingdom of God to all peoples and every sphere, and see real change and transformation through the power of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit.

Specifically, the school aims to:

  • Raise up cutting edge Christian leaders for the Kingdom, full of integrity and godly character.
  • Produce spiritual leaders passionate about the gospel and the harvest.
  • Develop exceptional faith filled leaders, full of the Word of God and of the Holy Spirit.
  • Release trained and strong leaders who will go out and be fruitful in bringing transformation and change to lives, homes, families, churches, communities, cities and nations.


Topics include the following and much more:

  • Why Leadership?
  • Leadership & influence
  • Leaders in the Bible
  • The Heart and Character of a Leader
  • Personal development and growth as a Spiritual Leader
  • The Vision Thing
  • The Leader and Faith
  • The Leader and the Word of God
  • The Leader and the Holy Spirit
  • Anointing and Grace
  • Walking in Power and the Supernatural
  • The Importance of Prayer
  • The Leader and the Lost
  • The Leader and Relationships
  • Forming and developing a strong team
  • Competency and skills in leadership including public speaking / presentation skills, time management, handling pressure, the art of delegation, etc
  • And more……


The School is open to all who are born-again believers in Christ currently serving in one way or the other in the kingdom (or willing to begin to serve), as well as those already in leadership roles.



The school runs once a month on a Saturday from 10am to 4pm, with the academic year starting in March and finishing in February of the following year.  A variety of seasoned Christian leaders / Ministers will take the different sessions each month.

Non-Refundable Registration fees are £60 per person for the whole year’s programme.

Payment can be made by:

  1. Cheque made payable to ECKT Word of Life Church
  2. Via bank transfer to: Lloyds Bank, Sort code: 30-91-87, Account number: 03215544

For reference – please use your name and W & S School (for example “Tom Smith W & S School”)

Registration forms are available to be completed. Deadline for return of registration forms is Tuesday 15th March 2022.

Completed forms should be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Sessions are currently taking place online via Zoom Video Conferencing and will continue that way till further notice.

First session starts on Saturday 19th March 2021.

The one-year programme calendar is as follows:

  • Saturday 19th March 2022
  • Saturday 23rd April 2022
  • Saturday 7th May 2022
  • Saturday 4th June 2022
  • Saturday 23rd July 2022
  • Break - August 2022
  • Saturday 10th September 2022
  • Saturday 15th October 2022
  • Saturday 12th November 2022
  • Break - December 2022
  • Saturday 14th January 2023
  • Saturday 18th February 2023

If you are looking to train to become a leader, we believe you will emerge from this school a top calibre, bold, courageous and trained leader, ready to go and do exploits for the Lord.

If you are an existing leader, we trust that as you enrol and participate in this School you will be greatly developed and sharpened in your leadership.

For further details or any questions please contact us by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by ringing 07930 958 097 (or  0208 857 7406) during the office opening hours of Monday to Thursday between 10am to 2pm.

  Registration Form (PDF)     Registration Form (Word)   Feedback Form  

Upcoming Events

27 Jul 2024;
06:00AM - 07:00AM
Morning Prayer
28 Jul 2024;
11:00AM -
Sunday Celebration Services
29 Jul 2024;
06:00AM - 07:00AM
Morning Prayer

Contact Details

Rehoboth Building
72A Mayeswood Road
Grove Park
London SE12 9RP
+ 44 (0)208 857 7406
  + 44 (0)7930 958 097