Rehoboth building's Community Resource Centre is located in Grove Park, London. It is available for use at various times throughout the week and open to the community for multiple purposes. The Resource Centre is made up of a multi-function hall, as well as a kitchen/chill out room and a large entrance/hallway. These can be used for seminars, workshops, training days, product launches, baby showers, private dinners, extra tuition classes, small events etc...
The multi-function hall is suitable for a maximum of approximately 80 people with a cabaret style seating arrangement, 100 people with theatre style seating arrangement or 120 people standing.

The main hall in Rehoboth Building is also open for use to members of the community. It has a capacity of approximately 140 seats. However its use is reserved exclusively for church services, including weddings, funerals or child dedication services.
Please email our administrator at
Once availability has been confirmed, the below form is to be completed and sent back to us with your deposit to confirm your booking.
- Photos
Terms and Conditions
Usage Terms and Conditions
These are our full terms and conditions as stipulated on the booking form, which have to be agreed to prior to usage.
The building premises will be opened by a member of Word of Life Church at the start time of usage and closed likewise at the end time of usage, unless otherwise agreed.
The times booked should be adhered to and the building should be fully vacated at the end of the booking period.
The user’s booked room(s) and toilets are the only areas to be used by users and all other rooms will be either locked or classed as out of bounds unless a request is made.
The building is not to be left unattended during the agreed time of usage.
The building is to be left in its original state and condition. Users may re-arrange tables and chairs in the premises, but must restore them to their original places immediately at the end of usage. Users are responsible for clearing and cleaning after use. Please allow time for this in your booking, as well as time to set up before usage.
No item/piece of equipment in building premises is to be removed or taken out. All equipment used is to be handled correctly and with care. It is to be switched off (if applicable) and put away after use.
NO FOOD AND DRINK ARE TO BE CONSUMED IN THE UPPER FLOOR MAIN HALL AT ALL TIMES. The upper floor main hall is only to be used for the hosting of church activities.
Deposit – A refundable security deposit of £200.00 is payable for all bookings 2 weeks prior to the day of usage, by cash or cheque. Cheques should be made payable to “Word of Life Church”. For regular bookings the deposit is only payable once, before the first usage.
The security deposit will only be refundable on satisfied inspection of the area used after usage.
Fees - OUR PRICING IS CHANGING - new fees to be confirmed soon.
Payments – Please make payments by cash, cheque, bank transfer or online.
- Cheques should be made payable to “ECKT Word of Life Church”.
- Bank transfers: Lloyds TSB – Cheltenham High Street Branch
Account No – 03215544
Sort Code – 30 91 87 - Online donations: Visit our website http://wordoflife-lcc.org and click on “Donations" -> "Other Donations” -> "Give Online" (or follow this link)
Conduct – The user will be responsible for the proper conduct of persons using the building. Gambling and alcohol consumption/sale are strictly prohibited. A strict No Smoking Policy applies to all rooms (including toilets) in all the premises.
Pets – No pets/animals are allowed inside the building premises. Only guide dogs are permitted.
Major Events – For major events where more than 50 people are expected (eg wedding or funeral services), we ask that the user provides parking marshals to help with considerate parking in the surrounding streets.
Youth/Children Groups – All groups working with young people should have their own insurance and staff checks (e.g. DBS checks). Word of Life Church takes no responsibility for this and recommends if unsure you seek appropriate advice.
Special lighting, amplification or audio-visual equipment – All special lighting, amplification, loudspeakers and audio-visual equipment is in the sole charge of the church. No alteration, modification or addition thereto whatsoever, shall be made without the previous express permission of the Caretaker or deputies. The church accept no responsibility for technical problems experienced on the day of hire if a technician has not been ordered through the church.
Electrical equipment and installation – The hirer shall ensure that no electrical equipment is used in such a way as to damage or otherwise interfere with the electrical installation of the premises. The church may, at its sole discretion, require that any electrical equipment shall not be used, and, if the church think fit, may require such equipment to be removed from the premises. All temporary electrical installations are to be provided by approved electrical contractors and must comply with the requirements of the current edition of IEE “Regulations for Electrical Installations”. Any electrical equipment brought into the premises by the hirer shall be PAT (Portable Appliance Tested).
Noise – The hirer shall ensure that the minimum of noise is made on arrival and departure, particularly late at night and early in the morning.
Health & Safety – The user will be responsible for ensuring that Security, Fire and Health and Safety requirements are met. Any accident during the booking period involving personal injury must be reported to Word of Life Church at the end of usage. Building entrance must be kept clear at all times.
Fire Risks – The user should make themselves familiar with the fire procedures for the building and inform Word of Life Church at the time of booking of any factor which involves extra fire risks.
Insurance – It is the responsibility of the user to effect whatever insurance he/she requires to cover his/her liabilities. Word of Life Church accepts no responsibility or liability for accidents, injuries, damage and/or loss of personal property as a consequence of using the premises.
Damage – The user will be responsible for the cost of repairing any damage caused, replacing furniture or fittings lost or damaged, or for deep clean of the building in the event that unnecessary mess is caused. In event of this the security deposit may be held back to cover these costs.
Indemnity – The user shall indemnify Word of Life Church against all claims, demands, actions or proceedings in respect of the default or injury caused by or to any person which shall occur whilst the person is in or upon building property or arise from an accident whilst at the premises, or in respect of any loss or damage suffered or sustained by any person.
Please note, we will not accept bookings for activities which are in conflict with the Christian Gospel or the Church’s Vision Statement.
- Booking Form