The Cell Ministry at Word of Life Church is at the "heart" of our Church Life. Our goal, and Jesus’ command is to “make, mature and mobilise disciples”. An important way we do this at Word of Life is through small groups, which we call cell groups. Led by a mature believer, each group consists of anything between two and twelve people who meet in homes, on the job, or wherever they choose.
The cell meetings constitute a time of praise and worship, and teachings where the Word of God is shared in a simple and practical way. A Bible study lesson is shared with real life applications, putting the story of the Bible into OUR world. The cell also serves an evangelistic mission that new people are being invited to and won to Christ. The ultimate goal of each group is to disciple its members and prepare them to go and disciple others.

Generally speaking, the cell enables a person to grow in his of her relationship with God through the knowledge of his Word, and in relationship with others in an intimate setting. The cell is where everything that happens in a church service happens in a miniature form, but with the added bonus of close friendships and relationships being built. Our Cells bring life. Our Cells reach out to the community. Our Cells are fun! Our Cells are about relationships.
Our Cell groups meet on a weekly basis. Cell members walk away from the meetings feeling encouraged, renewed and refreshed in their spirits.
If you have never attended a cell group and need help in finding one, please contact us and we will be able to help.