A Closer Relationship With God

I have been a member of Word of Life church for about 3 years now. One of the things I desired for when I joined Word of Life was to have a closer relationship with God. Soon after becoming a member of Word of Life, I took bible study classes every sunday. This helped me to learn more about God and have a better understanding of His love for me and others.

After hearing more of God's word, I decided to give my life to Christ which was the best decision I have ever made. Following this,I made another decision to be baptised. After giving my life to Christ and being baptised I saw a change in myself.

Since giving my life to Christ and becoming Born Again, I have faced many trials and obstacles both in my spiritual walk and personal life. But it is only by God's grace and favour I have been able to overcome them. He always makes way in difficult situations. God has been a blessing to my life and continues to be a blessing.

During my time at Word of Life, I have become a worker in the children's ministry. I had desired to work in the children's ministry so I prayed about it and after a while I was able to start.

I have also undertaken a couple of courses to help me in my spiritual walk with God. As a result of this I have seen my self grow spiritually.

My journey to having a closer relationship with God is still on going and each day I pray and ask for God's help in achieving this.

Upcoming Events

27 Jul 2024;
06:00AM - 07:00AM
Morning Prayer
28 Jul 2024;
11:00AM -
Sunday Celebration Services
29 Jul 2024;
06:00AM - 07:00AM
Morning Prayer

Contact Details

Rehoboth Building
72A Mayeswood Road
Grove Park
London SE12 9RP
+ 44 (0)208 857 7406
  + 44 (0)7930 958 097