An Amazing God Who Heals

I was feeling ill and in a lot of pain. My husband took me to the doctor’s and once we arrived the doctor said we should go to the hospital. When we arrived they did a lot of tests and scans. The doctor said there was nothing to worry about. We were relieved. We were then told we would get a letter for an out-patient appointment. When we got our appointment, we went to see a consultant who carried out more tests and scans. After three more appointments and operations, I was told they had found pre–cancerous cells and it had gotten to a stage 4. They would confirm by carrying out an MRI scan if it had gotten to cancer as by this point they felt it would have.

It was a very difficult time as the consultant said they would have to cut organs out of my body. When I spoke to Pastor Rowland about this he prayed for me, gave me scriptures and told me to stand on God’s word and to keep praying. My cell leader prayed with me and encouraged me constantly. I did not feel alone. As busy as Pastor Rowland and Pastor Folake are, they would call and pray for me.

The MRI results came through after 6 weeks and it was negative I did not have cancer. Praise God! I still had pre-cancerous cell and so the doctor put me on a treatment which was to last for 3 months. During these 3 months I was in a lot of physical pain but in March 2013, after my operation the surgeon told me it was good news that the pre cancerous cells had gone! Praise God! My journey is not completely over but I am standing on his word and I give it all to him. God has been so good to me. Jeremiah 29.11 says “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. I am standing on his word and I know I have more testimonies to come as I put my complete trust in God. This whole experience has been going on for over 12 months, I did not think I could have the strength to continue but I continued to read Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

Also in March 2013 a week before my surgery I had an interview. I was unsure if I should go because of the salary but I went. A week later they called me and said after interviewing other candidates all week they would like to offer me the position as I was the best candidate and they would like me to start immediately. I told them I was not happy with the salary and they increased it. I had not worked in my field for 5 months, however if I was working I would have had to take several days off due to the amount of hospital appointments.

God really moved at the right time, His time because He knows best. I continue to praise God and thank God for all he has done for me. He is truly a just God. In one week he turned my life around. The God I serve is an amazing God; He is always there and never leaves us. So whatever you are going through, if it seems the road is never ending or the burden is so heavy, just keep hanging on keeping your faith in Him because when God moves He moves quickly, swiftly without warning. He did it for me and He will do it for you too.

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