Challenging Times

In February of this year, my mother was admitted to hospital due to having very low blood pressure. The doctors were concerned and after closely monitoring my mother suspected she may have cancer. My mother had cancerous cells ten years ago but the doctors were able to stop them from spreading.

Immediately alarm bells began to ring. As a family we prayed but we were broken inside. After various tests the consultant confirmed there was no cancer in her body. My father died very suddenly six years ago at the age of 51 so the thought of being parentless was unbearable. We thank God for my mother’s life.

In May of this year, due to the reshaping of my organisation I was required to be re-interviewed for my post. I had already been re-interviewed the previous September so felt extremely vulnerable. The competition was strong and I truly questioned my ability. After much prayer I sat before three directors and gave them my best. The following day I was informed that I had been successful at interview. I want to thank God that he upholds us through challenging times.

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Rehoboth Building
72A Mayeswood Road
Grove Park
London SE12 9RP
+ 44 (0)208 857 7406
  + 44 (0)7930 958 097