What Have You Got In Your Hand?

It is really amazing that when Moses asked God how to prove to the Jews that he has been sent by God; God asked Moses what he had in his hand. Moses answered "A Rod". A Rod in Moses hand may have been so insignificant to him but not to God.

Whatever we have in our hands when surrendered to God becomes potent, powerful and exponential. It may be in the form of your talents, skills, gifting, potential, wealth or other resources. God knows what is in your hands, He knows the potential of what you have in your hands. When He asked Moses what he had in his hands it was because Moses was yet to discover the potential he carried in his hand, not because God did not know.

Many a times we ask God, how can I serve you or how can I be a blessing? God in turn is asking what have you got in your hands? Be a blessing with what you have in your hands, even though it might seem like little.

The Bible is actually filled with many like Moses who were asked the same question; Jesus asked His disciples "how many loaves do you have?" - Mark 6:38

Can you imagine how shocked and flabbergasted his disciples were when Jesus asked them to feed over 5000 people. I can imagine Peter sweating wondering how on earth they will feed the multitude of people. The disciples gave what they had. God multiplied it and they were able to feed over 5 thousand people and still have left over, 12 baskets full of food to be precise.

Elisha asked the late prophet's wife, "what do you have in the house" - 2 Kings 4:2. All she had was a jar of oil. A jar of oil surrendered to God was enough to pay the debt owed by her late husband. She gave it up, God multiplied it and she had enough left over to live on with her sons.

God can multiply your little so why don't you surrender what you have, and sit back and see what only He can do with your little.

You are blessed and highly favoured by God.

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