True Worship

What exactly is True Worship?

In John 4 verses 23 – 24, our Lord Jesus tells us:  

“But the hour is coming, and now is, when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.  God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” 

True Worship is about glorifying God and God alone.  True Worship is to give glory to God.  It is “giving honour to God for His Supremacy, and therefore acknowledging His genuine worth”.  True Worship “gives praise to God” and Him only.

True Worship is not about satisfying ourselves or even feeling good about ourselves.  It is not about us, what we need, what we like and what we are getting out of it.  True Worship is not entertainment.  It is not to entertain us or make us happy.  True Worship is not to make you feel better when you are feeling down.  It’s about honouring and glorifying Him. The by-product of that is that we experience His love, comfort and touch. 

True Worship is all about God.  The dominant focus in True Worship must be God.  It must be all about Him because of who He is.  “God – and God alone – has all wisdom, knowledge, power, and strength.  He is a perfectly and infinitely loving, holy, just, merciful, and faithful God.  It is also right for Him to receive all the praise because of what He has done.  God – and God alone – made the whole universe out of nothing.  He alone sustains the cosmos by the word of His power and preserves and governs all His creatures.  And God alone has saved His people from their sins.  God chose us, called us, justified us and adopted us. “ 

True Worship is of the spirit.  It is spirit to spirit.  True Worship is not fleshly.  It is not self conscious but God conscious.  We worship Him regardless of how we feel.  True Worship is based on the Word of God and a divine knowledge of who God is.  True Worship is permeated with the Word of God.  True Worship is scriptural. 

True Worship is always Christ-centred.  True Worship involves giving thanks to God in and through “the name of the Lord Jesus”. 

True Worship is always excellent.  It is always done in excellence.  In True Worship, God is always the audience, we are never the audience.  What we give to Him therefore must always be our very best.  It must be of excellent value. 

So whether you are a pastor, leader, singer, musician, worker or member, you are called to True Worship on to God.  The focus is no longer YOU but GOD and Him alone. 

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Rehoboth Building
72A Mayeswood Road
Grove Park
London SE12 9RP
+ 44 (0)208 857 7406
  + 44 (0)7930 958 097