The God of Miracles

Not many people today believe that God still performs miracles. Even those who believe in His miracles sometimes do not believe they can be recipients of His miracles or even believe that God works His miracles through them. Today I had the privilege of reading two stories in the Metro Newspaper, both stories alluding to miracles.

The first story was about a young actress and singer who in 2006 had won a BBC talent show (singing competition) but by 2008 had two operations to her throat and now had to give up her lead role as “Maria” in the stage adaptation of “Sound of Music”. Doctors remark “it was a “miracle” she had ever been able to have a singing career in the first place, as she would have been born with fusion anomalies- scarring of the vocal cords.”

The second story in the same paper on the same day titled “brought back from the dead by a Holy water miracle” was about a teenager who collapsed with a brain haemorrhage and had been on a life support machine for five days when her parents called in the Catholic priest to pray for her and say their goodbyes. It is said that as the Holy water touched her skin her arm shot up in the air and within a day was off the life support machine, her sudden recovery has left experts and doctors baffled and they have all said “it is a miracle”. The girl’s mother thinks she was on her way to recovery anyway. Yet the nurses her baffled and believe this was a miracle.

So what is a miracle? When do we call a miracle a miracle?

A miracle is an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs, an extremely outstanding or unusual event or accomplishment; an event or effect contrary to the established constitution and course of things or deviation from known laws of nature, a supernatural event….

The parting of the Red sea was a deviation from the known law of nature (Exodus 14:21–27),
The floating of a metal axe head, 2 Kings 6:6 - "And the man of God said, Where fell it? And he shewed him the place. And he cut down a stick, and cast it in thither; and the iron did swim."
The feeding of 5000 men with five loaves and two fishes, Mat 14:19-21 "And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children."

Today God is still performing miracles, through the hands of many of His children; some might not believe it or accept it. Our unbelief would not stop Him from performing miracles. It will not stop Him from healing the sick, providing for our needs, protecting us from danger and making ways for us where there seems to be no way, because He is the God of Miracles.

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