Revive Us O Lord

“Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us that we may live in his presence. Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.” (Hosea 6: 1-3)

Hosea the prophet saw the decadent state of Israel and realised that Israel was in this situation because of its sins. He saw how families were torn apart, the killings, the atrocities that were committed and many more. He knew the only solution was to return to God. He was confident that God even though must judge sin, was also a merciful and loving God. A merciful God who will heal and bind wounds. So Hosea’s call was for repentance and a return to the almighty God that Israel had abandoned. He knew Israel needed restoration and revival and it was only God who can do these.

I look at the Church today I am convinced in my Spirit that what we the Church need today is revival and restoration. We must return to the Lord who alone can revive us. I am not talking about revival meetings. I am talking about our hearts returning to God our creator. A passion for Him and nothing else. This was what marked the lives of the early Church and lost souls were added to the Church.

Charles Finney an old time American revivalist suggests 7 signs that show the Church needs revival:

1. When there is lack of brotherly love and confidence among those who profess to be Christians.
2. When there are dissensions, jealousies and backbiting among those who profess to be Christians.
3. When there is a worldly spirit in the Church.
4. When Church members fall into gross and scandalous sin.
5. When there is a spirit of controversy in the church or in the land.
6. When the wicked triumph over the church and revile it.
7. When sinners are careless and stupid and sinking into hell unconcerned. It is time for the church to stir itself.

I totally agree with the seven suggestions by Charles Finney. I also believe there are many more signs today in the Church that show we need to be revived as individuals. Charles Spurgeon, the great preacher of the Metropolitan Church at Elephant and castle had this to say:

“When revival comes to a people who are in the state thus briefly described, it simply brings them to the condition in which they ought always to have been; it quickens them, gives them new life, stirs the coals of the expiring fire, and puts heavenly breath into the languid lungs. The sickly soul which before was insensible, weak, and sorrowful, grows earnest, vigorous, and happy in the Lord. This is the immediate fruit of revival, and it becomes all of us who are believers to seek this blessing for backsliders, and for ourselves if we are declining in grace......... When Christians are revived they live more consistently, they make their homes more holy and more happy, and this leads the ungodly to envy them, and to enquire after their secret. Sinners by God's grace long to be like such cheerful happy saints; their mouths water to feast with them upon their hidden manna, and this is another blessing, for it leads men to seek the Savior”.

Revival is a not a powerful evangelistic meeting. Revival is realising that where we are is not where we ought to be. Revival is the sovereign and surprising hand of God that brings life back to His church or an individual.

“Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’” So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.” (Ezekiel 37:9- 10)

Just like Hosea challenged the Israelites to return to the Lord in repentance so the Lord can heal, restore and revive them, I am challenging us this month as a Church to return to the Lord in repentance. Let Him heal, revive and restore us through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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Morning Prayer

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