Only One Name

Remember those days you were still a child, how you hardly had any worries or cares. You didn't need to worry about much. All you longed for was to grow up and become an adult. A man, a woman of your own. To come to a time where you could do what you liked. Come in and go out as you like. Boy! Did adulthood come quickly.

It did and for many of us we came to a realisation that this world was not exactly as we hoped it will be. We came out of fantasy land and landed into real life. We woke up into the reality of the world and all its wickedness, problems and evils staring right into our faces. This was not what we were expecting and regardless of our backgrounds, some things were just too much to handle.

Even till today, we are unable to cope with many issues. Broken marriages, financial ruin, poverty, delinquent children, incurable diseases and sicknesses, dysfunctional families, unemployment, lack of progress in our jobs all shake us to the root of our foundations no matter how strong or together we think we are. We can pretend, try and mask our pain, but the huge feelings of inadequacy are there.

Our hearts cry out for help and relief each day of our lives. Many of us will do any legitimate thing if only it will sort out the chaos that stares us in the eyes on a daily basis. Some of us will sell our possessions to raise money if that will bring the answer. We will go to any extreme and any length. Our desperation will cause us to rise up rather than just sit down.

It's because of that desperation that God has made a way for us. He has given us an answer. One answer, His name is JESUS. You can search the length and breath of this world for your answer, but there is no other. Why keep searching, why keep running around, when you have been given just one name - JESUS? He is the only one. God has given Him "a name that is higher than any other, a name at which every knee bows and every tongue confesses that He alone is Lord to the glory of God the Father".

In that name, there is incredible awesome power that is able to turn any situation around. in embracing that name, you embrace his power grace and strength to see you through every nerve racking situation in life. When that name becomes real to you, you are able to face tomorrow. That name brings joy, it brings peace, it brings comfort, it brings healing for your soul, it brings goodness, it brings change, it brings transformation.

That name is a strong tower that the righteous (those who have a living relationship with Jesus) run into and they are SAFE. In embracing that name, we have to also embrace the person behind that name. We can not embrace the name of Jesus in isolation. How do we do that? By individually acknowledging that Jesus the Son of God came to this world, died for you and I, and through His death paid the price for our sins. Believing and acknowledging that he rose again from the dead on the third day and is now seated at the right hand of the father. Putting our trust and faith in Him and accepting Him of our own free will as Lord and Saviour.

Once we've done this we can then with confidence begin to use that name - JESUS for all the situations in our lives to great effect and results.

Upcoming Events

08 Sep 2024;
11:00AM -
Sunday Celebration Services
09 Sep 2024;
06:00AM - 07:00AM
Morning Prayer
10 Sep 2024;
06:00AM - 07:00AM
Morning Prayer

Contact Details

Rehoboth Building
72A Mayeswood Road
Grove Park
London SE12 9RP
+ 44 (0)208 857 7406
  + 44 (0)7930 958 097