New Heart Right Speech

Luke 6:45 

“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks” 

What is the Lord saying here? He is saying that what is in the heart gives rise to our speech. Our heart is the real author of our speech. What dwells in the heart is what determines what we say. Jesus also said in Matthew 14: 18

“But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man.” 

So before we try to correct or change our speech, our first port of call should be our hearts. Our hearts are what need changing. King David got it absolutely right in Psalm 51: 10 when he said 

“Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” 

Why should we examine what fuels our speech? We need to do this because our speech greatly determines the course of our lives.  We were created in the similitude of God Himself. We were created in His image and just like He spoke in the beginning and the heavens and earth were created, when we speak, things are created in the spiritual realm and translated into the natural physical realm. 

This means to a very large extent we are the product of what we say.  We are who we are and were we are as a result of words we have spoken, things we have said in the past and are still saying now, plus choices we have made. It’s not always the devil that is to blame. Many a times we are to blame because we pull down and destroy what God is trying to build in our lives. Our mouths let us down because we need a “heart transplant” and as long as our hearts are not transformed we continue to suffer from the consequences of our tongues. My prayer is that we will desire, ask for and all receive new heart transplants in Jesus’ name. New clean hearts will give rise to good and right speech, which is what we need. 

Pastor Folake Henshaw