In The Quiet

Loving Father, Daddy, 

You know that we’ve had many chats; 

And in them I have confessed all the right promises, in faith; I believe;  

I have bound and loosed in your name! 

I have changed my mindset to align with your Word; 

I have even shared and encouraged some of my hope and trust in you; 

When they wonder how I go on, moving on anew. 

Yet in the quiet, I wonder how? why? when? 

Does this mean that I am not using the measure of faith that you have given me?

{mosimage}I am a believer of your name and in your precious blood to heal and restore; 

I dream and think big as you tell me to;

I call and act on things that are not as if they are. 

I have some old dreams that I want to come true; and some new ones too. 

Yet Dad, in the quiet, I know that you are my redeemer, and the lover of my soul. 

Though my eyes are sometimes blind to your ways; yet I know that you think and ponder on only good things for me;  

{mosimage}Working behind the scenes to bring me out and to bring me to what I desire of you. 

So Lord, I wait for you, not in haste; but in faith; 

Lifting your precious name, as I love to; 

In worship and in praise; 

And as your power and unfailing love moves over me. 

Yet will I wait for you.      

Afua Richardson-Parry (2006)

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