God Answers Prayers

I recently went into a bookshop and picked two books that caught my interest. One of them was a bible dictionary, something I have always wanted to buy and the second was a book titled 101 stories of answered prayers. I picked both books and I walked round the bookshop with both books not knowing which one to put down as I had just enough money to buy one of them.

You would have guessed by now which of the books I bought – 101 stories of answered prayers. As I began to read the stories of everyday Christians just like you and I, asking God for simple things that others would regard as irrelevant, too simple or even at times weird. Stories about prayers that brought about the shutting down of an abortion clinic which was later bought at an auction by a pro-life coalition; Stories of how God answered the prayer of a mother who had prayed that her terrified daughter will enjoy her time with the dentist ; Stories of a mother’s wish list that a child will choose a university nearer to home; Stories about miraculous healings.

As I read through these stories, I became amazed and fully convinced of how much God cares about us. How He cares about every single detail of our daily lives if we can only trust and obey Him. If He can answer their prayers why would He not answer mine?

James 4:2 says “ye have not because ye do not ask” modern translations put it this way: “ .... you do not have because you do not ask God for it”. There is so much truth in this word, so many believers suffer in silence and go through defeats and pain because they have not developed the attitude of asking God and believing that He will answer them.

I want to assure you today that every time we call on Him or ask Him, He answers; it might not arrive when we think we want it, but it does arrive at the right time. He sometimes will say yes and sometimes no but he is always on time.

Daniel 9:23 should give every believer a hope and assurance, the angel Gabriel says to Daniel, “The moment you began praying a command was given...” Another translation puts it this way, “At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth...” We can see from this scripture that God Commands an answer to our prayers.

I want to encourage you today that God answers prayers, it might not come the way you anticipated or expected it but the answer will surely come. He still answers prayer today, yesterday and forever, because He is the same and will never change.

On a final note Jesus encourages us to keep asking and never to grow weary in asking. Mathew 7:11 If you then who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him.

He will answer don’t give up.

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