Amazing Grace


Gary was one of the volunteers in Newtownards and he tells us here the wonderful story of how his family came to Christ through the drama:

“I gave my life to Christ while I was in a prison cell in Belfast having been a serving police sergeant turned terrorist. I immediately wanted to tell all my loved ones about what my Saviour had done for me and thought that they too would quickly come to know Him. Only my wife and mother did but no one else and I just could not understand it. I continued to witness and pray for them for over 31 years.

This year my Pastor mentioned that a drama called “Heaven’s Gates & Hell’s Flames” was coming to our church. Initially I wasn’t sure about it or it’s suitability and timing, but nevertheless prepared myself to get involved. I also became aware that it was going on in my home church in Armagh, but never gave a thought to my family who lived there, until I received an amazing phone call from my brother.

He told me he had become a Christian with his wife and granddaughter at the drama, I was absolutely mesmerised! Robert was the most unlikely candidate for such a miracle of grace. He hated the Elim church and vowed never to cross its door. He detested it and had no time for contemporary drama and worship. But he was buttonholed by his granddaughter to come and see her take part in it or she would never speak to him again, so he agreed. He just about got through the preliminaries, but as the message continued, he could do nothing but be captivated as he realised he would not share the great eternity with his family without Christ. As the head of the family he realised he would have to take the lead and so he walked to the front with his wife Lila to make a public profession of an inner miracle.

The first domino had fallen and over the next three nights his two daughters, one daughter in law, one sister in law, one niece and 3 granddaughters followed in his footsteps and became members of a heaven bound family, ten in all. The granddaughter who invited him gave her life to Christ on the last night! The impact upon the Armstrong family circle in Armagh was incredible as unsaved members came under the witnessing ministry of the new converts. Others were saved and others were brought under great conviction. The only conversation in homes and work places were the happenings at Armagh Elim. Over 50 people were counselled during that Divine visitation and two weeks later the impact is still being felt.

By the time the drama arrived in Newtownards, I was absolutely sold on the opportunity and used every ounce I could of effort to get everyone involved in the outreach. On the last night here my brother came again to the drama and brought his grandson. At the end of the night he too gave his life to Christ and the story goes on and on.

Here I stand today 31 years after my Damascus experience and God has given me the desires of my heart, proved His complete faithfulness, His unquestionable trustworthiness and His absolute praiseworthiness. The scripture He gave me then seems wonderfully relevant today: 'Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who continually goes forward weeping, bearing precious seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.' - Psalm 126 v.5-6 "

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