A Time to Build

Our theme for this month is taken from Ecclesiastes 3:1 and 3. Verse three clearly echoes our theme for this month, "A Time to Build"

We are at that critical time in the history of the world when rebuilding is very necessary. The rebuilding of families, the rebuilding of our communities, the rebuilding of our cities and the rebuilding of our nations.

The world's economy is in shambles. Politicians are trying to out do one another in solving the complex issues at hand. Many heads have rolled, many have lost their positions or had to resign. Still economies all over the world falter. The props from different governments have not been able to hold things together.

In the summer of last year here in the UK we witnessed an unprecedented unrest amongst our youth, as well as some adults; The police, the politicians, communities, not to talk about parents could do nothing about it. The world watched London and other cities erupt in flames. We The Church, along with everyone else watched in disbelief as everyone blamed each other for the situation we have found ourselves in.

Like most of you I watched in disbelief, moaned, and then prayed about it. I remember my children calling me from their youth camp to find out if we were alright. There have been different reasons and opinions given for this unrest, with many political stalwarts trying to score points for themselves. Many have blamed it on indiscipline at home, school, while other have blamed it on the economic situation at hand.

No matter what we may call it, it boils down to one thing and one thing alone, the altar of God has been destroyed and removed in our society. The result is that everything that was held together and made secure has fallen apart. Like the famous African writer Chinua Achebe's books titled, "No longer at ease" and "Things fall apart the centre cannot hold". Things are falling apart let's not fool ourselves, there is a rebuilding that needs to done. Jesus is the answer and we The Church are the ones to proclaim that message. We are the ones called to re-build and now is the time.

In the book of Nehemiah we are told that when Nehemiah heard what had happened to Jerusalem, how the walls had been destroyed Nehemiah's one desire was to see the walls repaired. When in Israel during Elijah's time, the prophets of Baal ruled the nation, Elijah rose up and did something, He confronted them on the Mount Carmel. In 1 Kings 17: 30, we are told that Elijah repaired the broken altar of the Lord. When the altar of the Lord was repaired then God responded with fire, to vindicate His prophet.

The time has come for us to rebuild the altar of the Lord by defending God's values in our homes, our churches, in our communities, in our cities and the nations. We must defend it against distortion, compromise and the corruption of the world and the Spirit of this age. In Nehemiah 2:17 we read, "You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste and its gate are burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem that we may no longer be a reproach".

Nehemiah went on to say in Nehemiah 4:14 ".......and fight for your brethren, your Sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses".

No knee jerk reaction will turn the economy around, no knee jerk reaction will stop another riot from happening, no amount of camping at St. Paul’s Cathedral can turn our economy around, but the rebuilding of the broken altar of God and the enthroning of the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord in our society.

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16 Sep 2024;
06:00AM - 07:00AM
Morning Prayer
17 Sep 2024;
06:00AM - 07:00AM
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18 Sep 2024;
06:00AM - 07:00AM
Morning Prayer

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