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Package Your Passion for Purpose Workshop
Saturday 19 January 2019, 01:00pm - 05:00pm

The Package My Passion for Purpose Workshop

* Are you clear about your purpose here on earth?
* Do you know the reason for your talents, experiences and knowledge?

* Are you maximising the gifts within you?
* We were created to become Solutions providers who solve problems in the world. 

*But to solve these problems we must package the gifts and talents into products and services that are fit for purpose. 

*We are the light of the world, but are you showcasing your talent for the world to benefit from it?

God is calling you to come up higher, it is time to package your passion for purpose.
It is time to step out and be all God wants you to be.

Jesus was a solution provider while on earth - providing solutions he encouraged every step of the way. 

Join Temi Koleowo, the Idea catalyst for a half-day workshop where she will be exploring how to package your passion for purpose.
Learn how to discover and define the components of your passion and develop divine ideas that solve problems and glorify God.    


Time: 1 - 5 pm

Date: Saturday 19th January 2019

Venue: Community Resource Centre, Lower Hall Rehoboth Building, Word of Life Church, 72A Mayeswood Road, Grove Park, London, SE12 9RP

Free event but registration is required. 

Please REGISTER by emailing your full name to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..