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SOS – Solution Oriented Summit
Saturday 30 June 2018, 04:00pm - 07:00pm

SOS – Solution Oriented Summit


We have named this summit to make it solution oriented to be solution focus instead of talking of just talking about it. There are many organisations in the UK and in London especially who are on the front line doing work and it is crucial to have them on board. This will be start of many summit.

The target will be the local community of Lewisham and as well the church community in being aware of this crisis which is sometimes overlooked it is perceived by the church.

This event will not be a paid event but will use a platform to track invitee’s e.g.  Event Brite

The structure is set out below.

We hope to film this event.


Key Focus

  1. The Cause
  2. Intelligence
  3. Solutions
  4. The way Forward


Contributors/ Speakers ( potential)

  1. Duwayne Brookes - Friend of Stephen Lawrence and Stop and Search Specialist
  2. Leroy Logan – Former Commander of Police
  3. Stephen Akinsanya – Barrister (represented many perpetrators of Knife crime.
  4. Paul McKenzie – Youth worker and Strategist
  5. Stephan Ghiszlain -  The Black Syndicate






Prepared by:

Sylbourne Sydial


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Rehoboth Building
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Grove Park
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