Luke 8: 16 (NKJV)
“No one, when he has lit a lamp, covers it with a vessel or puts it under a bed, but sets it on a lampstand, that those who enter may see the light.”
Who lights a lamp and covers it up, or puts it under a bed? Hopefully no one.
If that is the case, our giftings and talents are not to be hidden. We must not hide who we are in Christ Jesus. We must not hide what God has given to us – His truth, His word, His light, His anointing, His grace.
Don’t hide God’s glory in your life. There is no reason to be ashamed of Christ. Let the light of Christ in you shine so that others can see that light and be drawn to the Jesus in you.
Let the fruit of the Spirit which is - love, peace, joy, goodness, kindness, gentleness, self-control, longsuffering and faithfulness - in you be displayed so that others can clearly see and ask for the reason for the hope in you.
The whole world is earnestly awaiting the manifestation of God’s children, that includes us His daughters. Why? so that they can see and embrace the light of the world – Jesus.
Let the light of Jesus in you shine so brightly wherever you go or are placed. Don’t hold back. Don’t be timid or shy about being a shining light. Do be a godly influence, using your gifts to the maximum to be a blessing, and let others know that our God is good. Refuse to be apologetic about who you are in Christ. Your light in Christ is what the world needs.
Go for it my dear sister, expose the light and bring your heavenly Father glory.
Grace, joy and peace to you..