
Quitting is Not an Option

Have you ever felt like giving up when things don't seem to be working out in your life the way you think it should? I know I have many times.

But what keeps me going is the scripture that God speaks, reminding me that:

"But now, O Jacob (Anita), listen to the LORD who created you. O Israel (Anita), the one who formed you says, Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine, When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.

Stay Away from Deception

According to the dictionary, deception is the art of making someone believe something that is not true. So, when you are deceived, you believe a lie.

The thing about deception is that when you are deceived, you don’t know you are being deceived. Deceived people think they are believing the truth, but in fact they have been sold a lie. You see, deception always has an element of truth in it. If it was a total lie, no one would believe it. So it is usually truth mixed with error. And deception looks good and attractive. It appeals to the senses. It is what people want to hear. It tickles their ears.

Stand Firm

Sisters in Christ,

God's Word reminds us that He is our Helper and our confidence is in Him.
Whether in time of distress, trial, or trouble, His abiding presence is with us through His Son and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The God Kind of Faith

If you want to manifest God's power in your life today, you have to operate in the God kind of faith:

1. Faith that sees something that no one else can see,

2. Faith that hears something that no one else can hear,

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  • Organised Lady - Light hearted tips and advice from an organised lady!
  • Free 2 Shine - Be equipped to shine the light of Christ with your whole being - spirit, soul and body.