Romans 14: 17 and Matthew 6: 33 (NKJV)
“For the kingdom of God is not eating and
drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in
the Holy Spirit."
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His
righteousness, and all these things shall be added
to you.”
The kingdom of God of which we are part of if we
are born again, is much bigger than the things
that form part of living life in the natural
world. Things like eating, drinking, etc.
The kingdom of God has to do with the
righteousness that comes from Christ, the peace
which passes all understanding that comes from
Him, the joy of the Lord that gives us
supernatural strength. The kingdom of God focuses
on things much higher and important like being
right with God through Christ and living right,
having the peace of God in every situation, being
filled with joy regardless of what is going on
around you and I.
We are called to seek and run after God’s kingdom
and all it provides rather than focus all our
energies and resources on the natural things of
life. Does that mean we don’t need the natural
things of everyday living? No, of course we do.
Our concentration and time should however not be
taken over by these. God is saying instead, go
after my kingdom and the righteousness, peace and
joy that it provides with all your heart, and all
the normal everyday things of life will be added
on to you.
Dear sisters, let us press into seeking His
Kingdom and its righteousness, and truly we will
see God’s abundant provision and care in our lives
and that of our loved ones.