Sisters in Christ,
God's Word reminds us that He is our Helper and our confidence is in Him.
Whether in time of distress, trial, or trouble, His abiding presence is with us through His Son and the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Refreshing words include articles about lifestyle, spirituality, marriage & relationships, parenting and weekly devotionals.
We pray that your spirit will be refreshed as you read these words and as you allow God to minister to you through them.
Sisters in Christ,
God's Word reminds us that He is our Helper and our confidence is in Him.
Whether in time of distress, trial, or trouble, His abiding presence is with us through His Son and the gift of the Holy Spirit.
If you want to manifest God's power in your life today, you have to operate in the God kind of faith:
1. Faith that sees something that no one else can see,
2. Faith that hears something that no one else can hear,
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