Devotional 2020 - Week 7

Devotional 2020 - Week 7

Proverbs 27: 17 (NKJV)

 “As iron sharpens iron,
So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”


1 Corinthians 15: 33 (NKJV)

“Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”


Friendship is a great gift from God given to us to bless us.

It is however very important that we have the right friends and people in our lives. The kind of people that will encourage and propel us into God’s destiny for us. The kind of people who love us well enough to speak the truth into our lives. The kind of people that will push us into God’s purposes and plans for us.  Our best friends and associates must be people that love God and are following after His will for their lives. People who see the good and God potential in us and will do what they can do to turn that potential into concrete reality. There are some people that when you are in their company even just for a few minutes, cause you to want to seek and know God more. People who want you to excel. Those are the people you need to be around. They are iron sharpening you.

On the other hand, you also need to be sharpening others. Are you that person that people want to be around because when you speak, you speak the wisdom of God? When people are around you, you reflect the light of God so much so that people just want to be where you are and glean from your life? You see the potential in others and love them enough to do something about it.  I want to be that woman that is not only being sharpened by others but is also sharpening others. What a joy it is to be a positive and godly influence in the lives of others and see them become who God made to be!

It is so important who we as daughters of the King keep company with.  If you constantly keep company with the wrong kind of people, they will eventually rub off on you. So much so that if you are not careful you will begin to think like them and act like them.  Who are your closest friends? What does being with them do to you? Does it bring out the best of God in you or does it bring out the worst of sin in you? Who and what are you keeping company with? Be careful because evil company corrupts good habits. Not everyone or everything is good for you. So, let the Holy Spirit lead and guide you in who you enter into deep friendships with, and what you get involved with.


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