Devotional 2019 - Week 3

Devotional 2019 - Week 3

Proverbs 11: 13 (NKJV)

“A talebearer reveals secrets,
But he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter”


1 Timothy 5: 12 – 13 (NKJV)

“ having condemnation because they have cast off their first [a]faith. 13 And besides they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house, and not only idle but also gossips and busybodies, saying things which they ought not.”


Proverbs 16: 28 (NKJV)

“A perverse man sows strife,
And a whisperer separates the best of friends.”


It is clear from our scriptures this week that God’s Word frowns on those that it describes as talebearers, gossips and busybodies and whisperers.

It is unfortunate that a lot of women tend to be prone to gossip. Why?

Several reasons came to me as I thought about this. We gossip when we are offended and hurt; because we are insecure; for pity sake; to “gain” friends; to pull people down in the eyes of others; to justify ourselves; to vent our frustration; to spread what we consider a “juicy” story; because we are idle; and just for the sheer thrill of it.


When you look at these reasons, none of them have their origin in the LOVE of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.


It is important to go to our loving Father when we are hurt and have been offended, and obtain healing for our souls rather than gossip. We need to be vulnerable before Him and tell him about our insecurities and any fears lingering in our hearts. When you need encouragement or are frustrated, He is there to minister to you through His Word and by His Spirit. In order words, go to your heavenly Father first rather than going to others with gossip.


According to the scriptures we read earlier,  the outcome of gossip is that we end up revealing the secrets of others, saying things we should not say, sowing strife, and separating friends.  At its worst, we wound others, cause others to be judged wrongly, break relationships, cause harm, break homes, and most importantly sin against God.


If on the other hand  you have been the victim of  gossip and been  wounded and hurt by the gossip of others, I empathise with you and do not play down your pain or hurt. I do however strongly encourage to rise from that place, and counsel you to take it to God immediately. Speak to your Father who knows and by His Grace release forgiveness to the offender(s). Don’t let your hurt turn into anger, resentment and bitterness which defiles. Please let go of the offence and the offender.


Finally, we as daughters of the King of Kings are called to love one another, to esteem each other better than the other, to build each other up, to promote one another, to bless one another. Gossip does not do any of these things, instead it destroys. It promotes distrust and division.


In this new year 2019, let’s clothe ourselves with love. Let us walk and live in the Spirit so we don’t fulfil the lust of the flesh that manifests itself in gossip. Let’s be slow to speak and quick to listen. Let’s choose not to be the author of gossip, hearer of gossip or promoter of gossip. We are much bigger than that because of Him who lives within us. Our calling is to LOVE.


May the Lord help us to walk in love and avoid gossip in Jesus name


Grace to you my sister!!!

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