The heart of the mission of the Word of Life Church Men’s network is to raise a fresh breed of God’s generals, priests and kings for the kingdom of God. We also want men to attain and fulfil their position as men of influence and worthy role models in the community.
We aim to achieve our vision by focusing on 3 tenets:
Tenet one – Building Godly Spirit
Biblical Heroes: Jesus Christ, Joshua, Apostle Peter, Paul and Timothy.
This involves and focuses on various church activities which build our Spirit as men. The goal is to take us spiritually from a position of strollers/walkers to one of 100m sprinters and marathon runners. Normally these activities will be in form of developing and running teaching, training, workshops and ministry and impartation session on specific spiritual themes.
Tenet two – Building Godly Character
Biblical Heroes - Jesus Christ, Daniel, Joseph.
This involves and focuses on various church activities which build Godly character in us as men and enhance our influence as priest and kings in the kingdom of God.
Tenet three – Building Godly Insight
Biblical Heroes - Joseph, Daniel & King David, Moses, Joshua, Apostle Paul, Stephen.
This involves and focuses on various church activities which build Godly insight in us as men and enhance our influence as captains of industry, leaders, role models and influencers in the community.